COVID-caution Black Friday shopping

2021-11-26 09:19:05 By : Joyce Zhang

Tucson, Arizona (KGUN)-once the Thanksgiving table is emptied-or maybe before then-people will turn to Black Friday shopping. But how can you reduce the risk of COVID in a store crowded with crazy Black Friday shoppers?

When you focus on catching those gated deals before they are sold out, someone will break your six-foot bubble in the up-close Black Friday retail battle.

Pima County Health Director Dr. Teresa Cullen said: “We are particularly aware of your example, people are rushing for the last oven. They really want to get it, but they can’t avoid it. So if you If you are sick, please stay at home, wear a mask, wash your hands or use hand sanitizer, and protect yourself and your loved ones as much as possible."

Dr. Karen said that now is not the time to relax hand washing or disinfection gel.

"COVID is a respiratory disease, but it is easy to touch your face and then touch others with it."

Dr. Karen said that the current medical recommendation is to wear a mask, but not a simple cloth mask. She said to bring N-95 or KN-95 masks, or at least a disposable medical mask, which fits your face very well.

She said that the Pima County Health Bureau is committed to keeping businesses operating, but its commitment to its own preventive measures will help reduce the spread of COVID.