Nanotechnology in the mask fights airborne pathogens

2021-11-26 09:52:12 By : Ms. Vicky Wong

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A group of researchers from Saudi Arabia published their research in the journal Nanotechnology, which involves nanotechnology technology used in masks to better defend against SARS-Cov-2 and other airborne pathogens. The team also compared the effective use of nanotechnology masks with masks currently available on the commercial market.

Research: Masks using nanotechnology can resist SARS-CoV-2 and pandemic respiratory diseases. Image Credit: evrymmnt/

As early as January 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) notified public health emergencies of international concern. In February, the virus was identified as SARS-Cov-2. By March, it was declared a global pandemic. sick. During this period, the number of masks and face shields worn in the public domain has increased significantly: now, it has become a necessity and part of daily life.

Many concerted efforts have been taken internationally to curb the spread of the virus, including the rapid development of vaccines, the implementation of social distancing measures, and the advancement of treatment methods. However, one of the main deficiencies that emerged during the pandemic was the failure to produce the required number of effective surgical-grade masks on a global scale.

This means that many people have to improvise or make their own masks in order to get involved in the public domain. In addition, the number of counterfeit N95 surgical masks and other PPE entering the supply chain has increased significantly, putting medical staff and the public at risk.

Commercially available masks provide varying degrees of protection against the SARS-Cov-2 virus: non-woven medical masks have low filtration efficiency, with a protection level of about 33%, while N95 surgical masks have an effective rate of 95%.

However, if the particle size is below 300 nm, this level of efficiency may decrease-SARS-Cov-2 virus droplets may be as small as 65 nm. Another disadvantage of commercially available face masks is that they become less effective when wet, and can hinder breathing, thereby affecting breathability.

Therefore, due to the potential virus transmission ability of ultra-small droplets, air permeability problems, and the lack of effective PPE (including masks) to fight this epidemic, it proves that more work must be done to develop masks to better protect hygiene. And the general public.

Therefore, efforts are being made around the world to use nanomaterials and nanostructures to design new effective masks with improved filtering, repelling/repelling quality, and sensing capabilities. However, it must be noted that in the fight against the virus, it is still strongly recommended to wear masks or covers currently on the market.

When considering the use of masks, it ultimately boils down to two factors: depth filters and membranes. Deep filtration uses thickness to capture unwanted particles or droplets in a single-layer or multi-layer mechanism. On the other hand, the membrane traps a container larger than the pore size of the membrane.

In either case, the addition of functional nanomaterials with anti-viral and/or hydrophobic properties can increase the effectiveness and longevity of the mask. Although most masks are for one-time use only, they are allowed to be reused due to the high demand. However, masks usually lose their level of protection with repeated use.

The research team believes that the application of certain nanomaterials to the production method of masks may have some impact on the fight against the epidemic. The first author, Muhammad M. Hussain, Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at King Abdullah University in Saudi Arabia, said, “Nanotechnology can achieve safer, more durable, environmentally friendly, reusable and lower cost masks that can be used. Simple manufacturing technology development."

Hussain and his team found that in the submicron range of 100-500 nm, using nanofibers instead of microfibers has a higher capture efficiency, but pressure drop does occur, and the amplification cost of nanofibers is usually higher. Therefore, the team recommends using a combination of nanofibers and microfibers for mask production.

Simple electrospinning technology is used to combine nanofibers and microfibers to promote the use of functional filter materials for face masks at a relatively low cost.

The use of nanomaterials (such as silica nanoparticles with excellent charge storage capabilities) to charge the fibers has shown the potential to improve filtration efficiency, in which both mechanical and electrostatic attraction mechanisms have played a role

Muhammad M. Hussain, first author, Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, King Abdullah University, Saudi Arabia

The team also advocated the use of surface treatments and applied coatings, and the use of nanotechnology coatings to demonstrate the potential of inactivating the SARS-Cov-2 virus.

These coatings also exhibit water-repellent activity, and show the potential for repeated use through a new type of photothermal laser-induced coating. “It can be quickly heated to 80°C in the sun, thereby helping to eliminate viruses and disinfect masks. For future use," Hussein explained.

The elements used in these coatings include graphene, silver and titanium dioxide nanoparticles, all of which exhibit antiviral properties and can be easily applied to general-purpose masks.

In a review published in the journal Nanotechnology, the researchers proved that nanotechnology has great potential to fight the current epidemic when used in masks.

El-Atab N, Mishra RB, Hussein MM. Nanotechnology mask for SARS-CoV-2 and pandemic respiratory diseases. nanotechnology. November 2, 2021. doi: 10.1088/1361-6528/ac3578. The electronic version before printing. PMID: 34727530.

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David is an academic researcher and interdisciplinary artist. David's current research explores how science and technology, especially the Internet and artificial intelligence, can be put into practice to influence a new shift to utopianism and the reemergence of commons theory.

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Cross, David. "Application of Nanotechnology in Masks Against Airborne Pathogens". AZoM. (Accessed on November 26, 2021).

Cross, David. 2021. Nanotechnology in the application of masks against airborne pathogens. AZoM, viewed on November 26, 2021,

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